Friday, November 18, 2005

From 29.50.235N, 64.39.659W.

We have been sailing within 3 miles of the rumbline to BVI. Waypoints have been set for every 100 miles or so – each one titled “x00 miles to go.” The weather since leaving Bermuda has been great. The skies clear and the wind light, but generally enough to keep us going an average of 5kph. The water is 74.7F. Last night we motored for approximately 9 hours after boat speed dropped to less than 2 kph. . We estimate that we have sufficient diesel to run the engine 70+ hours before we have consumed the 37 gallons in the tank and the 10 gallons on deck. Today we flew the spinnaker for an hour or two. We also saw a ship that passed within two miles of us. There is no indication if we were seen by it.

Everyone is well rested. The new seasickness meds are great. We all have solid appetites and feel good. I fear my days of losing weight at sea are over. Tonight two of the crew had a small glass of white wine with dinner. Group dinners, wine, sunsets – so far this leg has been very different from the first leg. Today Ann made us pancakes for breakfast; dinner was a stew of cabbage, onions, tomatoes, feta, nuts ‘n stuff. It was all very good.

Sadly, today we found another suicidal flying fish deceased on our deck. Perhaps we should be patrolling more frequently. The ship's uniform has become short pants and a light shirt. In the evening maybe an additional coat or foul weather pants. The boat is working well.

We are all looking forward to seeing our loved ones soon.

Team Welcome.


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