Thursday, June 01, 2006


This is one of the many dolphins who raced us and played in our wake. This one is an Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin.

Navigation Aide

On our last day, this young wren accepted a free ride.

It was a cold and foggy day.

Fog was not our favorite weather condition.

McGrenra in Charge

Swarthy sailor with glamorous legs.


Proof that I really did make muffins!

View at Night

During the second leg, we did not have a moon. The view from the cockpit while on watch was quite limited. We mostly tended to the sails, and kept an eye out for the lights of other boats.

Capt'n Turley

Storm Jib

This is the storm jib, really just a sliver of a sail. The orange has radar reflecting properties.

Post Bermuda

At the beginning of the second leg out of Bermuda, we had sun and cooler temperatures.


I know, I know, landscape photos are boring, but this is an example of the boring landscape we encountered when not in fog.